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Toronto lawyers dedicated to helping people charged with impaired driving

I have been charged with DUI. Should I just go to court on my own and plead guilty to get it over with?

No you should not plead guilty to anything without having a lawyer review your case and the potential options that are available to you. Impaired driving cases are not “open and shut” so to speak in that many people are able to get their charges dropped or be found not guilty at trial. People who work for the government in one form or another may try to convince you just to plead guilty but this is not necessarily in your best interest. Criminal court case results are generally for the most part permanent especially if a person pleads guilty.

Anyone who pleads guilty to a DUI will at a minimum receive a criminal record, a fine, driving prohibition, and possibly a jail sentence even for a first time offence.

The sentence a person receives after pleading guilty is solely the decision of the judge and not any of the other people paid for by the government that you may encounter if you do not have a lawyer and are representing yourself in court. People will often accept a deal when they could have had the charges dropped or won at trial had they retained a lawyer to represent them. They may also plead guilty expecting a non-jail sentence only to later have the judge sentence them to jail. Just because the Crown makes an offer on sentencing does not mean it will be accepted by the judge.

If you get charged with an impaired driving related offence you should contact a lawyer immediately. We provide a free consultation to anyone in Ontario charged with a DUI offence.

Call us today.

You don't have to jeopardize your future or waste thousands of dollars on excessive legal fees. We provide effective and affordable lawyer representation for those charged with impaired driving offences throughout Ontario.

Have a skilled criminal lawyer who focuses on impaired driving related charges protect you and your future from the stigma and consequences of a criminal record.

    call us: 647-228-5969


  call us: 647-228-5969


Your case will be defended by a fully licensed Practicing Lawyer of the Law Society of Ontario. For more information about our lawyer, click here.

We provide our clients with:
  • Flat fee pricing
  • US travel advice and information
  • Employment background check advice/services
  • Fingerprints and records destruction services
  • Clear goals of getting charges dropped and bail conditions varied without a trial
  • Help with related immigration issues
  • Vulnerable Sector records suppression help
  • Experienced, focused counsel

* Please note:

If you are not a paying client, we cannot answer questions and provide assistance with U.S. travel, immigration, employment background checks, and avoiding a criminal record. This includes those who have already retained other counsel and those whose cases have already been completed.

We only can take calls/emails relating to Ontario, Canada area cases. Please see our FAQ for a listing of the courthouses we service.

Are you a lawyer? If you are defending an impaired driving related case and are looking for expert advice regarding possible defences, case strategies, and information release management call us at: 647-228-5969.

Please note: We do not accept legal aid certificate cases. All clients are handled on a private retainer only.


Your questions and concerns are extremely important to me.


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  Law and Consequences